Top 7 SEO Tips to Get Success in 2016

Top 7 SEO Tips to Get Success in 2016

The year of 2015 was very engaging and exciting for the SEO industry. The SEO managers and agencies have reviewed the impact of SEO in the previous year and drawn conclusions for the fast approaching year of 2016. Not all SEO tips and tactics work every year as the search engine algorithms are changing periodically. The upcoming year will be proved as a landmark shift in search with upcoming new technologies and search devices.

Only in the US, there are above 12 million web searches are made per month and some of these searches are related to your business industry. To stay in the market and to be at the top of your competition, you should be looking at top SEO tips to get successful. Here are the “Top 7 SEO Tips to Get Success in 2016”. Take a look at them below:

In the upcoming year, this strategy will be top in the SEO Marketing. As Google has already in placing deals with Twitter and Facebook – you can use these social media networks to improve your site SEO by passing link juices to your useful content web pages. Check the top 10 Tips for Social Media Marketing Success in 2016.

2) Targeted Local Search

In 2016, the Local search will get more targeted with the increase in the sophistication of Google’s local search indexing, which will lead to even more specific local search. Which means the search will go deep into your street number or a neighborhood corner rather than limiting to the city or state region. So, make your local listings be at top priority to achieve a high value in the local market.

3) Increase the Value of Earned Links

To increase the public awareness for your brand or business, “Earned Links” will be more important than ever for the upcoming year. For organic rankings, link building will be a determining factor, but the new SEO way would be changed from the traditional way of link building in the promising way of link earning. So, create great contents regularly, that will make people link to it.

4) App Optimization

In the past few years, the rise of mobiles has been drastically increased and this will continue in the next year also. So, more and more businesses are producing apps and thus, it will be needed to do App Store Optimization to stay in the competition.  Apps are getting indexed for a long time from Google and the anticipation is made from Google that Apps may overtake traditional websites in terms of functionality and popularity. So, App optimization will also be an important and top SEO tip to become a successful brand.

5) Stay With Google Updates

In early 2016, Google is likely to update its Penguin Algorithm, so need to prepare your site for it. The update was original been salted in late 2015, but recently Google has announced that it would be delayed and will not roll out until 2016 starts.

This time, Penguin Update is to become “real-time” and so it is eagerly awaited by the SEO community. The best way to save your site from the Google algorithm hit is to stop building automated links and use only manual link building strategies, do not make keyword stuffing, take care of unnatural links and do not over-optimize your content.

6) Don’t Forget the Platform

In the upcoming year, the competition between the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Baidu may not be subject to discuss. Rather, it would be more talkative and more important subject to discuss the competition between different search  platforms like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Apple who are likely to influence the market. So it will be a good strategy to make SEO of your site by considering these search platforms which will dominate the search market in the near future.

7) Google Will Stay at The Top

Doesn’t matter how many search engines or search platforms are pushing into the market, Google will surely remain at the top at least for some years. Google can mix it up and will surely do so by crunching the trends and numbers.

It is not assured that what worked in the past, will work in future also. For example, If Google algorithm starts to detect that if the high-quality blogging sites publish too much-overloaded content with minor disclosure, then the external links from such blogs will create negative signals rather than quality positive signals. Nothing can be predicted. It means that the upcoming year will be of some big advanced changes. So, it is recommended that you keep up with SEO basics and generate an SEO strategy to plan and implement SEO techniques step by step.

So, these are the “Top 7 SEO Tips to Get Success in 2016”. Hope you enjoyed the reading and will start building your SEO plan according to the latest trends in SEO by keeping in mind these top SEO tips. Build strong influence by creating more and more social signals which will impact your search rankings for a long time, earn links rather than building them, regularly create quality contents, and keep up with the SEO best practices to be at the top in 2016.

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