Online Marketing

5 Tips for Effective Content Marketing

5 Tips for Effective Content Marketing

Every blogger or a website owner wants a continuous and potential traffic to his/her website. And for this, they push out fresh content at regular intervals to engage their target audience. Many of them think that creating a good and engaging content is enough, but they may not know that every minute Google receives over 4 million search queries today! Yes, 4 million queries per minute and for being at the top positions for these queries millions of sites push out fresh contents.

But for such a big competition, creating only a good content is not enough, you should create a strong and effective content marketing campaign. If you don’t know from where and how to start, then don’t worry. Follow these 5 Tips for Effective Content Marketing which give you loads of ideas to begin with your content marketing strategy.

If you don’t get a good grasp about the taste of your targeted audience, then it is useless to create tons of content. Maybe some people from the traffic you get will stay to inquire or engage with your content, but most of them will leave without having a second thought in mind. This will lead you to a big downfall on the online reputation of your site and you will get out of the competition in no time.

So, make a good study about the market in which you want to deliver your content, make a good research on your competition, target your keywords, and then make a good, relative, and above all – user-interesting content. Knowing your audience like, what queries they mostly search in search engines, what kind of site they like the most, on which particular content they spend most of their time, from where they make online shopping and their browsing habits. All these things will help you in getting a good, potential traffic resulting in a better user engagement.

2) Focus on Quality and Think About Variety

Just don’t make a focus on the volume of the content, think of the quality first. If you create a high-quality post, then there are more chances of getting more social shares, downloads, user engagements and the attention of the search engines. On the other hand, if you create tons of content, but if it is of poor quality, then you may get an over bounce rate than an average and your site reputation will go down. So, don’t create junk, but create a  quality content every time.

When many people think about the content marketing strategy, they think it means to create a lot and a lot of writing. They make a focus on creating only text-heavy blog posts (excepting posts like this, which require a load of content), various white papers, and lots of e-books. This thing will make your users feeling bored, and they will gradually start to unsubscribe from your site. Think about the variety of sharing information via videos, infographics, pictures, checklists, webinars, and audio content. You can even arrange live events to get good potential users for your product / service. You can also think of creating ‘behind the scenes’ type content, like providing pictures or videos of your product and service being offered, interviews you have made, customer features and a list of the resources you have used for your achievements. It will get a good attention of your audience.

3) Build a Good Social Foundation With the Help of Your Employees

In today’s market, the social media is the strongest platform for any effective content marketing strategy. People share and re-share the good contents as well as pictures and videos. Build your connections on social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, StumbleUpon, etc. Create the posts, images, videos and share this on all your social networks to get the most user engagement through the popular marketing platform.

There is nothing worse for a site, which has a blog post having ‘0’ or ‘1’ social share. If your employees do not get interest in your blogs, who else will? If you believe in your content, then you should share it with all the social accounts of your employees, too. Make sure that all of your employees are alerted for each content you produce and encourage them to share it on their personal social media accounts and on the accounts they manage for the company. This will make your audience think that your content is good enough to share, like, tweet or retweet and give you the best result from the content marketing campaign.

4) Monitor the Online Reaction and Engage With People

Make a constant analytics report of your content marketing campaign. Study about the views likes and shares your posts get in how much time, which posts get the best user engagement and which get worse. Does your text-reach posts are good enough to get a good audience, or you have to rely on infographics and videos more than that? All these analyzes will help you to create customer based, quality content to work out better for you.

In addition to this, you should also engage with the people who likes and shares your content as well as leaves a comment on your posts. Appreciate their efforts, answers to their comments, provide some truthful information and links for having a good conversation. This is a powerful way to connect and reach out the potential traffic and to keep them engaged with your blog or website.

5) Know Your Goals and Draft Tons of Ideas for Them

Many content marketers do not set the goals, what exactly they want to achieve. Do you write posts for getting only a high volume of traffic, do you want to get revenue from the Adsense you get in your blogs, or you want to make sales and direct customers through your quality content? Setting up a goal is a must thing before starting any marketing strategy. Whether you want to improve your search engine rankings, gaining more customers, increase your site popularity, or want a brand empathy, all these things need a different kind of content marketing strategy and planning.

Once you have set a goal, then make hard efforts to achieve it continuity. Gather your team up and draft tons and tons of ideas for it. Optimize appropriate titles, create quality contents, design a good marketing strategy, provide more information through images and videos, make use of social media platforms and communicate with your readers and customers. Just don’t create self-promoting content, rather create informative and helpful content for your audience. It will lead you automatically to the top of your competition.

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